Physical Activity

Our Active Schools Slogan by Shannon Murphy 5th class
“We are active , We are cool,
We are St Beacon’s National School
Huge celebrations were had in our school on Friday, September 28th as our second Active School Flag was raised and our Slí na Sláinte walking route was launched.
Congratulations to the Committee and all pupils on their hard work and enthusiasm!
In addition to the teaching of P.E., St. Beacon’s have put in place lots of events and initiatives to promote Physical Activity. Here are a selection of these;
1 . Walk on Wednesday: In collaboration with the Green Schools Committee, we encourage all pupils to walk, cycle or scoot to school on Wednesdays, where possible. The RSA generously donated a High Visability Jacket to each child in the school last year, so remember ‘Be Safe, Be Seen!’
1. Playground Leaders:At St. Beacon’s, we pair up some of the older and younger classes for weekly playground games. 6thClass are paired with Junior Infants, 5thwith Seniors and 4th Class with 1st Class. 3 pupils from each of the older classes go to the Junior Yard for the duration of the small break each Wednesday. Here they oversee and play a playground game with the younger children. All children thoroughly enjoy this and look forward to seeing their new friends each Wednesday. This could not be done over the last 2 years due to Covid 19 but we are thrilled to have this super initiative back again.

3. Busy Breaks: On rainy days, it’s not nice to have to sit in a seat all day long so, at St. Beacon’s, we make sure to have ‘Busy Breaks’. Teachers often put on guided dance videos from websites such as GoNoodle, The BodyCoach and Cosmic Yoga so as to give the pupils a fun and energetic break from all that learning!!

4. Music on Yard: 1st Class to 6th Class have come up with the ultimate music playlist for Monday lunchtimes. It’s a great way to start the week in school!
5. Additional Sports and Activities:In our school, we try to take part in lots of extra sports and activities- these are many and varied so as to provide opportunities for pupils to try out different things. We have lots planned for the 2021-22 school year, such as;
Cycle Safety (6th), Gymnastics (JI- 1st), GAA County Coach (3rd – 4th) Yoga ( all classes)and Soccer (3rd- 4th). No doubt lots more will be added over the coming months!
St. Beacon's National School, Mullinavat, Co. Kilkenny | Phone: 051 898 442